Monday, October 11, 2010

Appropriation of Art

The appropriation of art has become a huge issues among many of today's modern artists.  As we become more technologically advanced, artists are able to do much more than ever before.  Today, many artists find images in everyday life and use them in their work, but slightly alter the art so that it is left with a unique look they have designed.  Now more than ever, the U.S. is starting to crack down on copyright laws when it comes to appropriation.  It is seen as copying and many countries are starting to follow the U.S.'s lead on toughening the laws.  The more strict the laws, the more difficult it will become to practice this type of art.  Eventually it seems like it will just become all together illegal.  However, artists see these copyright laws as a restriction of their creativity and expression.  A piece of art that was somewhat recently in the news for appropriation was Sherard Fairey's Obama Hope piece.  Although the picture is somewhat altered, the original image comes from a photographer who workers for the Assosiated Press.  The photographer saw his image and sued Fairey, forcing him to pay for using his work.  I think that appropriation can lead to some very creative and unique pieces, but copyright laws do need to be obeyed. 

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